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You've been sitting at your desk since 8 o'clock this morning and it's now 10:45 and your stomach is already telling you that lunch time is soon approaching. You look at your co-worker as you have everyday and ask, "Where should we eat lunch today?" The conversation soon spreads throughout the department with no hope of an immediate decision until someone speaks up and suggests, "Let's log onto LunchVoter.com then we'll know where to eat!"

Welcome to LunchVoter.com!

Everyday millions of corporate workers go to lunch with a group of people from their place of business. LunchVoter.com is a FREE service that offers lunch goers an engaging, efficient way of resolving the everyday question of where and what to eat for lunch. Groups can now vote, veto and rate the eatery of their choice from a list of local restaurants categorized by type.

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